Friday, June 20, 2008

A Day in Office

It's cloudy outside, temperature is moderate and life's moving on the same pace on which it was yesterday. Old proverb - "Change is the only thing that never changes".

I'm not extraordinary so you can count me along with other associates who abuse thier Employer and Management Hirerachy for hindering my Career growth. I along with my fellow associates preform my duty perfectly as a critic, we all express all our anger among Ourselves, our frustrations, abusing our superiors and what not. It's human nature that everyone thinks himself/herself to be smart and superior over his collegues/ managers, unless they are exceptionally dexterous. This had been a long time routine and we all used to follow it piously.

I was having a good time, had a decent pay, sucking work, sympathetic friends and truly professional managers along with me. The life was easy, Come to Work daily, perform the same monotonus Job, abuse Mangement, Crib and gossip with friends and forget everything by the end of the day. I could have done something about my situation but gave myself petty excuses to pacify myself and bail out of it, coz frankly I lacked the courage to take risk, I had changed a lot, coz this wasn't me, but the truth was I lost that courage to take risk, responsibilities , a monthly pay check and a lot of other factors made me so weak that i lacked the courage to take chance.
All of us think, and dream but it's the chase for them which brings a difference.
My Main Problem is I don't want to work much, i.e. I really hate working if someone tells me to work, I can spend hours working on something which fascinates me instead.
So when I started reviewing all what I have done since I started working, I started geting all the answers. A big problem with me was "Adjustment" this term screwed my life, Since childhood we are brought up in an atmosphere of adjustment, thus we tend to mould ourselves with our surroundings just to fit into it. Just to have company of friends I befriended people who were not like me and trying to be the one like them I got more irritated and frustrated.This was my first fault. We used to curse most of the ppl who were above us in hirearchy, on analysis it turned like, no matter what you feel/say, you are under him/her and got to obey him/her. Even if you consider that person the biggest fool alove still is more clever than you coz he's still managed to sit over your head and command you. So bottomline for this is cribbing won't help a bit, yours frnds who crib with you, their words might soothe your ears but it won't do you any good, so accept the facts and start facing them.
Then lately I've been questioning myself as to what excatly do I really wanted to do and the answer is a Clear and Loud "Nothing" . It's not that I don't want to work or do work, it's like I should be independent to work, i.e work on my wish, and not to pay EMI's or Rental bills.
Even if I get a better Job with better pay and facilities it'll be still a job.
Today I work 9 hrs a day and the compensation i get is max. 2 day billing that I do for my company, so the question which tortured me is am I a fool to work throughout my life and get only a single digit fractional portion of my effort. I've a made a decision to be an entrepreneur, I don't know where I'll end up in future but for sure I'll not live like this..
Today I'm in an Office as an Employee tomorrow I'll be an Employer.


Unknown said...

This blog is good becaue you are speaking your heart. :-)Need little improvement.

Pinky said...

You wrote it from heart. Nothing is artificial that’s the best part. It’s a thought from most of the man’s heart.